Benee Scola & Company, Realtors

The most respected name in Long beach island
real estate

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Experience Matters Transactions handled by Benee & Susan

348 +


230 +

Harvey Cedars

133 +

North Beach

76 +

Barnegat Light

72 +

High Bar Harbor

120 +


210 +


178 +


184 +


213 +


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Benee Scola & Company About Us

The Long Beach Island lifestyle and real estate market is part of our essential nature and fundamental to our character. Let us share our insights and expertise with you! Benee, age 8, on the beach in North Beach; Susan, age 7, fishing from her boat in High Bar Harbor.

Benee age 8 in North Beach Susan Age 7 in High Bar Harbor

BUYing & Selling

We provide comprehensive information to buyers and sellers in order for you to fully understand the market resulting in the ability to make educated decisions with conviction.

Benée Scola & Company Realtors - Long Beach Island

Benée Scola & Company Realtors is the most respected name in Long Beach Island real estate representing buyers and sellers of beach homes on Long Beach Island including Loveladies, Harvey Cedars, North Beach, Barnegat Light and High Bar Harbor on the Ocean, Bay, Lagoonfront, Bayside & Oceanside.

Seagull in on the beach in front of ocean waves


Vintage Long Beach Island